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Useful information

Polyneuropathy (PNP)

Polyneuropathy (PNP) is a disease of the peripheral nervous system in which the peripheral nerves responsible for transmitting sensation and muscle movement in our body become damaged.

The causes of polyneuropathy can be very diverse, including a variety of diseases and conditions that can directly or indirectly damage the nerves. These include diabetes mellitus (diabetes), alcoholism, kidney failure, vitamin deficiencies, autoimmune diseases, certain drugs and others.

The symptoms of polyneuropathy can vary in severity and, depending on which nerves are affected, there can be pain, numbness, tingling or problems with muscle strength or coordination.

The diagnosis of polyneuropathy begins with a physical examination including a neurological assessment. Further examinations can include so-called electrophysiological examinations such as NLG or EMG, blood tests and, if necessary, imaging procedures such as sonography or MRI.


Usually there is no cure for the damaged nerves. In order to prevent further progression of the PNP, the triggers are treated or harmful substances (such as alcohol) are discontinued. If necessary, the unpleasant accompanying symptoms are treated with special painkillers. Physiotherapy is carried out for movement restrictions.

It's important to note that early diagnosis and treatment of polyneuropathy can help relieve symptoms and prevent further damage to the nerves. Regular monitoring and medical follow-up can also help monitor disease progression and the need for further treatment.

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